Saturday, January 14, 2006

and the story continues

Wow, God is at work in Tom's life!
Yesterday for cleaner time I typed out three passages of Scripture and gave one to each cleaner to read silently and think about. *if you wanna read them, I'm not typing them out so go get a bible or head to* I picked Romans 8:1-8 for Tom, and I wanted to write out more, but his was already the longest passage and I decided to trust that he would be thirsty enough to read the rest sometime. I gave Ivan Philippians 4:4-9 and Diego got Jeremiah 29:11-14a. I helped him find it in a Spanish Bible, and then everyone began reading. There was actually silence *miracle* and Sara and I were praying and reading also. Anyways, Tom read his passage and then reached for a Bible, found Romans 8 and kept reading! The other guys were ready to share, but I was not going to break that silence until Tom was done. He was reading the footnotes and everything. Then I asked Diego to readhis verses to us in English and we talked about how cool it is that we just need to call on the Lord and he will listen and answer, and he wants good things for us...yadda yadda yadda.
Then Ivan read his passage and we talked about how good it is for us to think about pure, noble, lovely, etc. things. Then he asked what "transcends" means and we talked about this incredible peace that come down on us when our innerds *hehe* are in turmoil and it's beyond comprehension, but it's real. And we also talked about what's the solution to being anxious? Through prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God, and then we get this transcendent peace...
Ok, then Tom read his verses and immediately after he said "What strikes me here is that it's a choice. You can choose the path that leads to death or the one to life. And it's not literal death, like you die right away, because everyone dies at some point." Whoa dang! So we got to talking about how you can choose death, this downward spiral, or you can choose life, which is thinking of those pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy things, and choosing this path God has for us full of hope and future. Then Ivan said, "but if you choose the death path that means that after this life you go to hell." and I said, "yeah, the path you choose on earth doesn't suddenly change to the opposite one after you die. If you're in a pattern of death your whole life, that's not going to change after death. And if you're trying to live life rather than live death, if you're followinig what God has for you, then you're on the path to heaven. You need to accept this gift of forgiveness, of a hope, of a future, of peace that transcends all understanding." and even though Ivan was being sarcastic, it was great that he said that. Then he did the whole "well, I'm going to hell, Jesus doesn't love me anymore cuz I was late this morning" thing, and then Tom joined in with, "You think you were bad, what about me? I quit!" and I got them to stop talking and prayed *quoting the verses about how nothing can separate us from the love of God* and it was so encouraging to have a good cleaner time after the huge spiritual battles of the day before.
And I know Tom (and all of them really) has huge battles to overcome, but seeing that he's started taking those's exciting. So please keep him in your prayers. In his own words he was "blind, but now I'm beginning to see." Ja.
And please pray for Ivan too...he's teetering on the brink of insanity, and once he lets go of this control over himself, he's either going to fall into the loving arms of God, or into insanity. Pray that it's the former, and that we can be there to help him, or other Christians at least. Pray that he is able to begin to trust people...his past has taught him that no one can be trusted and the only way to deal with the pain is to be in control of himself, and his mind is always churning and working and it's unhealthy...anyways, prayers for the cleaners are always welcome.

Sidenote, does anyone else read Lamentations? In the Bible discussion the other night everyone looked at me like I had 2 heads because I started quoting it and got us to read part of it. A bunch of them said they'd never read it before. Whyever not? It's a good book.


Eric said...

It's been really cool to follow the story of Tom... I think that the ministry of the Shelter employing "difficult" people as cleaners is one of the coolest ministries going on in Amsterdam. Even when the fruit is not so evident, I'm sure that God is using the experiences that these guys have while involved with the Shelter (and with you)...

Anonymous said...

It ís really cool to read about what God is doing in Tom's life. Thanks for writing it all down, it makes it so much easier to pray if there are specifics to pray for!

I'm not really sure if I read Lamentations, (I guess I have though) because I don't know what that would be in Dutch?

I miss you and the Willemstraatcrew! I hope to be able to visit soon!

oh my everything!!! said...

1/2 meg! rala here... God is USING YOU!!! amen. your cleaner time sounded like it was truly awesome.

i can see these cleaners in my head...makes it easier to pray for them, too.

love you!

Nynke said...

Hey Meghan,
I don't think I have your e-mail adress. Can you tell me what it is?
It's good to read what goes on in the Shelter.
I'll be back in Amsterdam this coming weekend. Maybe we can make plans to hang out?

Melissa said...

Hey girl! Is Ivan from Spain? Is he the same Ivan that was on our list forever? If so I know him and tell him I say HI.

Sounds like a great ct!

justmeghs said...

hey mel. nope, different ivan. he got fired the other day and proceeded to freak out and break a mirror and then smear the girls' bathroom garbage on the floor of the bathroom...not so lovely. but i have been challenged today to find him on the streets and see how he is doing, so maybe i'll have better news about him tomorrow. keep on praying!

Anonymous said...

Yo Meghan,
I am new to the blog sceen, well to making comments at least...I usually just keep my comments to myself...anyhow.
I wanted to give you a shout as I was reading "A New Kind of Christian" and was brought back to our conversation over lunch before you left...loving the reverence to Aslan's meeting with the servant of Tash...

It is so exciting to share tastes of what God is doing in our lives.

I am thrilled to read your blog and to enjoy just a "nibble" of all that is happening in your heart and through Jesus in you as you "soak it up" there in Amsterdam.

Blessings to you, and joy and peace that is all divine.

looking forward to being "spurred on" by your blog.


Marco said...

Ha, people really found it strange that you read Lamentations? Of course, if these people were Hindu or something, it wouldn't matter, but if they're Christians or Jewish they should really be somewhat familiar with it.

What I find strange is that you have so many Christians with such adamant views about the Bible
("The Bible IS the word of God! The Bible is infallible! It's the only authority on how we should live!") who haven't even READ the whole thing. If I were pitching any other book even HALF as enthusiastically without having read it all, I would be considered dishonest.