Monday, January 02, 2006


There are a number of Italian guests staying here right now, and they were all crowding around reception before going out for the day. They found the guest book, and one of them began to write a comment in it. Another opened his pocket Italian/English dictionary and proceeded to ask me a question.
"Do you have a bath?"
"Excuse me?"
"Can you give me a bath?"
"Umm, we have showers..."
*I look at the word he's pointing to in his dictionary*
"Oh, berth!" *still confused*
"Yes, berth. Can I have one? Do you have one for dog?"
*another girl pipes in* "A bed and house for dog"
"Oh! Now I understand. No, sorry, we don't have those."
and then he wrote a piece of the conversation in the guest book, ending with "No problem, you are very nice!" haha.

I started looking through the guest book and liked this snippet of a note "Amsterdam is scary...we won't be back! But this place is cool!"
and this one..."The best thing ever happened to me, I fell in love with Sion, the toilet cleaner...:) Unfortunately you didn't approve of that which I find a bit disappointing..."
"Thanks to the earplugs it's been a wonderful night. We'll see you next time."
"In Internet everything is FALSE!!! It saids FREE DRUGS!! It is not true!!" haha...our website says "Drug Free"
"Just stopped by and
I stayed for dinner
The chicken was spicy
Until it met Sour Cream
And the love flowed through
Tabacco Smoke Speech
of Scottland and Brazil."

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