Monday, June 26, 2006

gone fishing

This afternoon I decided to go fishing with Ben.
We cycled all around town and ended up at Harald's where he served us a very lekker dinner. (and I did not get food poisoning!) Then I borrowed a non-fishy heineken poncho/towel and a 7 meter long pole from Harald and we walked down to the canal.
Let it be known that while I enjoy fishing, I am most definitely not a pro.
My first hook is still in a tree.
I accidentally let my first 2 or 3 fish go before reaching the surface.
So when I felt a tug and Harald and Ben said "pull up" I did. The poor fish flew into the tree and then smashed into the cement before flopping back into the water (which all happened much to fast to get a picture to prove I'd caught anything) and I felt pretty bad for the poor thing, and for Harald's pole which kept getting caught. But it was set free, and re-baited (is that a word?) and then my little fish (named Schaatje) was found floating sideways in the water! Sad story. I did not want to be a fish killer, but I thought I might as well get a picture with the little fellow, so I got the net. And it rebooted some life into Schaatje! He started swimming a bit, which made me happy, but not so long later he started floating sideways and then upside down. Sad story, but now at least I have a picture of him...
Then I caught an eel. It was gross and nasty and I refused to touch him. His name is Oscar because it's an ugly name (ie, Oscar the grouch) for an ugly fishy thing. Ben was very excited that I caught an eel, cuz he's never caught one before, but it was extremely difficult to release him because he was so slippery and writhing. Grossness! But happier that I caught an eel and not just a tiny flying (however accidental the flying part) fish.
Ben caught a couple of normal fish, and then I wanted to try to fish with his pole. Cast it out fine the first couple times, and then (of course) it got stuck in the tree. So now there are 2 hooks (thankfully cheap lures or whatever they're called) in the tree. But at least there are some funny stories to tell.

1 comment:

Dave Stoffer said...

dude, i went fishing like 5 times and never caught anything. i need to take you with me next time, your a fish magnet